Thursday, April 7, 2011


This summer, I will be serving at North United Methodist Church in Indianapolis for my second field education placement. NUMC is a big, beautiful downtown church that looks to be thriving in its worship life, missions and outreach, and more. NUMC is where the field ed students going to Kenya will spend some time on the front and back end of their service in Africa. And they have a farmers' market! They also have a partnership with Lockerbie Central UMC, a progressive community that runs Earth House, a coffeehouse and collective dedicated to outreach through the arts, sustainability, and social justice. I'm excited to learn more about NUMC and to live outside the South for the first time! Also, I spoke with my supervisor, Rev. Kevin Armstrong, yesterday--I'm going to be preaching on Pentecost! I'm particularly excited about that, in part because I've been taking a course on the Holy Spirit and have learned so much this semester. Keep me in prayer as I wrap up my semester and get ready to head to Indy!


Thursday, April 7, 2011


This summer, I will be serving at North United Methodist Church in Indianapolis for my second field education placement. NUMC is a big, beautiful downtown church that looks to be thriving in its worship life, missions and outreach, and more. NUMC is where the field ed students going to Kenya will spend some time on the front and back end of their service in Africa. And they have a farmers' market! They also have a partnership with Lockerbie Central UMC, a progressive community that runs Earth House, a coffeehouse and collective dedicated to outreach through the arts, sustainability, and social justice. I'm excited to learn more about NUMC and to live outside the South for the first time! Also, I spoke with my supervisor, Rev. Kevin Armstrong, yesterday--I'm going to be preaching on Pentecost! I'm particularly excited about that, in part because I've been taking a course on the Holy Spirit and have learned so much this semester. Keep me in prayer as I wrap up my semester and get ready to head to Indy!



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