Monday, December 20, 2010

5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam

So, there's this humor site called that I love. It's a wonderful time-waster/study break spot, rife with hilarious articles about pretty much everything under the sun. Most of their stuff is absurd, but sometimes they produce real gems. Like a recent article they posted, entitled "5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam." As fair warning, let me just say that Cracked does not skimp on the strong language, which doesn't bother me but might bother you, depending on who you are. Anyway, this article is really interesting and such a breath of fresh air--a lot of this is stuff I didn't know, stuff that more people, especially in America, need to hear. So check it out. As a preview, here are those 5 things:

#5. If you're a Muslim, you have to wear the veil.
#4. Our Founding Fathers would never have tolerated this Muslim nonsense!
#3. "Muslim" equals "Arab"
#2. Western cultures are far more humane than the bloodthirsty Muslims.
#1. Islam is stuck in the Dark Ages.


Monday, December 20, 2010

5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam

So, there's this humor site called that I love. It's a wonderful time-waster/study break spot, rife with hilarious articles about pretty much everything under the sun. Most of their stuff is absurd, but sometimes they produce real gems. Like a recent article they posted, entitled "5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam." As fair warning, let me just say that Cracked does not skimp on the strong language, which doesn't bother me but might bother you, depending on who you are. Anyway, this article is really interesting and such a breath of fresh air--a lot of this is stuff I didn't know, stuff that more people, especially in America, need to hear. So check it out. As a preview, here are those 5 things:

#5. If you're a Muslim, you have to wear the veil.
#4. Our Founding Fathers would never have tolerated this Muslim nonsense!
#3. "Muslim" equals "Arab"
#2. Western cultures are far more humane than the bloodthirsty Muslims.
#1. Islam is stuck in the Dark Ages.



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