Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Prayers of the People: 15th Sunday After Pentecost

This is just a prayer I wrote for use as the prayers of the people in Goodson Chapel tomorrow. It's based on Jeremiah 18:1-11 and Philemon 1-21, the lectionary texts on which Dr. Amy Laura Hall will be preaching.

O God of all the nations,
you lead us to the potter’s house
to remind us that we have not made ourselves.
We can take no credit for anything we have
or anything we are,
for all good things come from you and you alone.

Lord, by your son’s death and resurrection,
you freed us from slavery to sin and death.
Open our eyes to the forms of slavery
that are still very much alive today.
Slavery persists explicitly
in the form of sex trafficking and child labor,
and subtly
in the form of our bondage to this world
and to delusions of autonomy.

O God, break these chains,
for the slave is our brother,
and in your name, all oppression shall cease.
Give us your eyes to see the places
where we fail to welcome the other
as a brother or sister.

Lord, we are useless to you
unless you enable us to serve you.
We are worthless as a vessel of your grace
unless you remake us.

Melt us, mold us,
fill us, use us.

In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Prayers of the People: 15th Sunday After Pentecost

This is just a prayer I wrote for use as the prayers of the people in Goodson Chapel tomorrow. It's based on Jeremiah 18:1-11 and Philemon 1-21, the lectionary texts on which Dr. Amy Laura Hall will be preaching.

O God of all the nations,
you lead us to the potter’s house
to remind us that we have not made ourselves.
We can take no credit for anything we have
or anything we are,
for all good things come from you and you alone.

Lord, by your son’s death and resurrection,
you freed us from slavery to sin and death.
Open our eyes to the forms of slavery
that are still very much alive today.
Slavery persists explicitly
in the form of sex trafficking and child labor,
and subtly
in the form of our bondage to this world
and to delusions of autonomy.

O God, break these chains,
for the slave is our brother,
and in your name, all oppression shall cease.
Give us your eyes to see the places
where we fail to welcome the other
as a brother or sister.

Lord, we are useless to you
unless you enable us to serve you.
We are worthless as a vessel of your grace
unless you remake us.

Melt us, mold us,
fill us, use us.

In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.




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