Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Time for Prayer (a quote from Fr. Hilary)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Care: To Cry Out With (a quote from Henri Nouwen)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Endless Forgiveness (a quote from Jean Vanier)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Serving Necessity (a quote from John Patrick)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
World on Fire (a new song)
All my life for love that never ends
And I have found it
In the one who has called us friends
If we are his body
If we are his arms
We can hold each other's pain
We're brother and sister
We're daughter and son
And together we hear him say
"I came to set the world on fire"
We will be his kindling
And our hearts will be consumed by mercy
We will burn so brightly
Just look around
If you ever doubt true love exists
Just look, look around
Beyond the world's deceptive kiss
There's hope for the broken
There's love for the lost
We don't have to feel alone
Where two lonely hearts
Sit together in Christ
They're no longer on their own
And he said
"I came to set the world on fire"
We will be his kindling
And our hearts will be consumed by mercy
We will burn so brightly
Listen, I will tell you a mystery
We will not all die
But we will all, all be changed
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye
At the last trumpet
The trumpet will sound
And the dead will be raised
And we will all, all be changed
And he said
"I came to set the world on fire"
We will be his kindling
And our hearts will be consumed by mercy
We will burn so brightly
It's our time to set the world on fire
We will be his kindling
And our love will be a blaze of glory
We will burn so brightly
— For the Duke Awakening community. Luke 12:49, John 15:15, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Time for Prayer (a quote from Fr. Hilary)
"Until you are convinced that prayer is the best use of your time, you will not find time for prayer." — Fr. Hilary, OSB
Labels: wisdom from the saints
Monday, April 28, 2008
Care: To Cry Out With (a quote from Henri Nouwen)
"The word 'care' finds its roots in the Gothic 'Kara' which means lament. The basic meaning of care is: to grieve, to experience sorrow, to cry out with. I am very much struck by this background of the word care because we tend to look at caring as an attitude of the strong toward the weak, of the powerful toward the powerless, of the have's toward the have-not's. And, in fact, we feel quite uncomfortable with an invitation to enter into someone's pain before doing something about it." — Henri Nouwen
Labels: wisdom from the saints
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Endless Forgiveness (a quote from Jean Vanier)
"Love is an act of endless forgiveness." — Jean Vanier
Labels: wisdom from the saints
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Serving Necessity (a quote from John Patrick)
"He who remains good simply because he must serves necessity, not God." — John M. Patrick
Labels: wisdom from the saints
Saturday, April 5, 2008
World on Fire (a new song)
I have searched
All my life for love that never ends
And I have found it
In the one who has called us friends
If we are his body
If we are his arms
We can hold each other's pain
We're brother and sister
We're daughter and son
And together we hear him say
"I came to set the world on fire"
We will be his kindling
And our hearts will be consumed by mercy
We will burn so brightly
Just look around
If you ever doubt true love exists
Just look, look around
Beyond the world's deceptive kiss
There's hope for the broken
There's love for the lost
We don't have to feel alone
Where two lonely hearts
Sit together in Christ
They're no longer on their own
And he said
"I came to set the world on fire"
We will be his kindling
And our hearts will be consumed by mercy
We will burn so brightly
Listen, I will tell you a mystery
We will not all die
But we will all, all be changed
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye
At the last trumpet
The trumpet will sound
And the dead will be raised
And we will all, all be changed
And he said
"I came to set the world on fire"
We will be his kindling
And our hearts will be consumed by mercy
We will burn so brightly
It's our time to set the world on fire
We will be his kindling
And our love will be a blaze of glory
We will burn so brightly
— For the Duke Awakening community. Luke 12:49, John 15:15, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.
Labels: sing to the lord a new song